After being approached by members of the public asking if we could assist Gods Project Greenbushes Settlement Port Elizabeth with pet food, PE Pearls Ladies Circle No. 19 figured it was time for another photo competition, and with all the Lockdown Babies, we decided that a Baby Photo Competition was in order.

We shared the post via social media, requesting people to show off all their cute, cuddly additions to the family. But we didn’t limit the competition to only lockdown babies, we opened it up to anyone wanting to embarrass their older kids by entering their baby pics, anyone wanting to show off how cute they used to be as babies, and even accepted photos of fur babies… after all, a baby is a baby right…!

All photos were published in an album on our Facebook Page where people could Vote for their favourites by Liking the photo posted.

The funds raised in this competition were used to buy dog food for God’s Project, which we handed over on 26 August 2021.

Congratulations to baby Autumn Naomi Cedrass (entered by Casey-Lee Cedrass) on your winning entry.

Thank you to everyone who took part in this competition.

For more information on God’s Project Greenbushes Settlement Port Elizabeth, please follow this link: