Christmas Party

2020 was a Cracker of a Christmas Party for the ladies of PE Pearls Ladies Circle No. 19.  We all gathered in our Christmas hats on December 12th 2020 where Mother Christmas (aka Sonel) met us with open arms.

We started the afternoon off with some coffee and a work party, decorating a very large roll of blank parchment paper with brightly coloured ink stamps.  When the ink was dry, we cut it into pieces and covered toilet rolls, which we in turn filled with various little sweets and suckers and wrapped them up as crackers.

After a long, hard, but fun day’s work, we took a break at the beautifully decorated dining room table for an absolutely delicious Christmas dinner, prepared by our host, Sonel. We enjoyed venison stroganoff, followed by Christmas mince pies and cream for desert.

Before retiring to bed, we finished up the last of the Christmas Crackers.

We each took 70 crackers home with us to hand out to various members of the community during the Christmas period – car guards, people begging on the streets, passers-by, township kids and kids in the Transkei. We also gave Lynne and Tracy Swann some of our Christmas crackers when donating her monthly supplies in December.