Edenvale Newsletter

Wow, where has this quarter gone!
It feels like just yesterday that we were at the National AGM in George and getting the new year
Edenvale has remained true to our Old Dears at Edenhaven playing bingo regularly, enjoying the
evening filled with laughs and sweets treats. It is a special time that we all look forward spending
We have been privileged to help a number of new families through our Kit-A- Kid campaign. We
decided that there are so many children in desperate need of assistance who often go unnoticed in
the school system so through the cold winter we supplied full uniforms to 2 children, as well as
clothes and school bag to a young girl at Natasha’s son School. This project has also identified a
number of other children and families in need and we have a list of much needed items that we will
hopefully be able to provide for in the next while.
One of the other families we identified was the Wevel Family. Initially they received a donation of
school uniforms and food parcels but their need was so great that on Mandela Day, with the
assistance of The Seek Group they were given R3800.00 worth of Groceries, Stationery and clothing
to help them along.
For Mandela Day together we also donated R6800.00 groceries and much need items to The Haven.
Although this day is highlighted as a day to do good for others there are so many in need of help and
the work we do as Ladies Circle goes such a long way in providing a little bit of relief, which is always
so special.
Edenvale gave a donation of R2000.00 to the Knysna SPCA after the devastating fires. I can only
imagine what it must have felt like to be caught up in the emotion and havoc that the fire caused. I
am so grateful for what I have and can offer when I see painful it was for those that lost everything.
At the beginning of August we hosted a Bowls Day in Springs. I always imagined that Bowls was for
the more mature individuals but I will confess when I gave it a try it was a blast and will definitely
give it another try. Once we got the hang of how to roll the ball all the ladies did very well. A day
being outside, enjoying the winter sun and the company of old and new friends as well as a much
needed Prego roll to fill the gap, make these events all worthwhile. We even made it into the Springs
Advertiser which is such a great way to get ourselves recognised and better known in the area.
Congratulations to Cheslyn on arranging her first fundraising event – it was a great success and no
doubt we will be doing it again.
Mid-August Cheslyn, Chantess and myself headed off to Estonia for the RTI World Meeting and then
on to Denmark for the LCI AGM weekend. Although the travelling can be taxing the fun we had
together overrides this any day.
Estonia is so beautiful and the conference was well organised. The Round Table guys are welcoming
and super accommodating that we felt right at home. It is so strange to see a hall filled with men
rather than the ladies we are used to.
Denmark was an adventure. From our day in Legoland where we got to nurture our inner child, to
the bus and train trips – which we nearly missed, to the conference and meeting of friends, there
was not a moment we would replace. I am always so overwhelmed by the hospitality of the people
and the genuine friendships we make along the way. I have said it before but this is one experience
one should never miss out on and I have no doubt we will be heading back to Norway in 2018.

Chantess and myself had a dinner with Ruth Curry (Past LCI Secretary) when she was on holiday in
South Africa with her family. Always super fun to catch up on news and laughs with the wonderful
ladies from around the world. Special moments with special people.

Peta-lyn Foot
Past Chairman, Edenvale Ladies Circle