ERM news

Ongoing Projects

Ermelo is a rather small ‘dorpie’, with large city problems!
Unfortunately, when people in the city lose their jobs, they move to their families in the
smaller town, putting a huge strain on very small resources!
Due to this, Ermelo Ladies Circle often find ourselves with so many more requests for
assistance than what we can handle! This, on its own, is heartbreaking. We therefore try
and make a difference where we can. Our current projects, are as follows:
Koskas: We feed approximately 32 children at a local primary school. What started off
as once a week projects, sometimes escalates to 2-3 times a week. We insist that when
we supply food, it has to be a balanced meal with at least 2-3 vegetables, a starch and
meat. It really does not help the children to give them a sandwich! On Monday’s, we
cannot stay ahead, as the children are extremely hungry after a weekend. We tend to
cater for about 45 children on Mondays, as many of the kids come back for seconds
and thirds!
Cosmos Orphanage: In Ermelo, we currently have 2 orphanages that are very well
looked after by many organisations. We have therefore decided to assist Cosmos
Orphanage in Kriel. This orphanage currently has 93 children in their care. Many of the
children sleep on the floor as they do not have enough beds. Breakfast often consists of
mielie meal with no milk or sugar. The children have very few clothes. We have done a
few collections to try and address these issues and have managed to gea few people to
Jail and Bail: We are in the progress of organizing our annual Jail and Bail Blood Drive.
This will be held on the 1 st December and SAPS has already agreed to assist us with
the arresting of our inmates. Still a lot of work to do.
Just this past week, we have been fortunate enough to assist families with 3 beds and
have another 2 beds on the way!
Small things make a huge difference!

Yours sincerely

Uzanne Marè