Vearin Ethan Naidoo (2), is in isolation at the Donald Gordon Centre as his blood counts are dangerously low. We’re holding A bone marrow stem cell donor drive on Saturday, 27th July 2013 at the rooms of Dr Nicole Kanaris, Mode De Vie, Medical & Aesthetics, Shop 32, Eden Meadows Shopping Centre, Cnr Van Riebeeck & Modderfontein roads, Greenstone from 10:00am – 18:00. Please consider becoming a donor in the hope of saving the lives of patients like Vearin and others.

To avoid delays on the day please pre-register by contacting The Sunflower Fund toll free  0800 12 10 82 , (weekdays) between 8.30 and 16.30, by no later than Thursday, 25th July. The Pink Aliceband Campaign will be sponsoring the test costs.