Photo Competition – November 2020

PE Pearls Ladies Circle No. 19 held a My Fab Fur Baby Photo Competition to raise funds for our Circle’s running costs.  All photos were published on our Facebook Page where people could Vote for their favourites by Liking the photo entered.

We had some cute, some cuddly and some really creative “creature” features in our competition this month.

Congratulations to the stunning Main Coon kitty, Beulah, entered by Carla Bonthuys, on your winning entry.  Beulah, we hope your mommy buys you something yummy with her cash prize.  Carla, enjoy the bragging rights!

We would like to thank everyone who entered their fabulous fuzzies, and those of you that thought out of the box, for taking part and entering our competition, without your support our Circle would not function effectively.

PE Pearls LC19 has decided to do a monthly photo competition…. Watch this space!