PE Pearls Ladies Circle No. 19 decided to get together on 27 October 2021 at Londt Park Sports Club for this heart-warming cause, where we arranged A4 ream paper boxes, assorted wrapping papers, and decorations to stick on the boxes; and boy oh boy, did we have fun!

We absolutely love this cause, because of what we were able to do for 2 little girls (3 & 5 years old) and a little boy (5 years old) that will put such a huge smile on their precious faces for Christmas.  As the saying goes, Christmas is about giving and it is extra special for these little ones who just don’t have anything at home.  It is enough to give you a lump in your throat.

We paired up in teams to make up the respective gift boxes for the kids.  We cut the paper boxes to size and decorated them with everything from wrapping paper to pom-poms, veld flowers, buzzy bees, googly eyes, fairy hair, glitter and a big ‘Ben 10’ sticker for the boy; the outcome of the boxes was amazing; very colourful, full of fun, sparkly and ready for happy little faces.

We then arranged the contents purchased and filled the boxes, to the point where we struggled to close them.  Each of the children will receive an item on clothing, face cloth, soap, sweets, toothbrush and toothpaste, cream and shampoo and a toy.

To end off a well spent afternoon, we had a Bring and Braai at Londt Park Sports Club, a perfect way to end off the day positively with friends.

On 6 November 2021 PE Pearls LC19 met up to do the Santa Shoebox drop off at William Moffett Shopping Centre.  We enjoyed taking photos standing in front of their Christmas tree display, and came across the cutest Christmas themed painted ‘PE Rocks’ pebbles on display that the lady at the drop off was kind enough to offer to each of us to take home.

We then went to support Round Table PE West 142’s Market Day held at Londt Park, which was a great success, with food stalls, books and charity goodies.  It was lovely and very interesting to be a part of.  We ended the day with Karaoke and some good food.