What’s Happening

Ladies Circle Sandton 24 kicked off 2021 with our first meeting for the year and what a bumper meeting it was. The ladies have numerous ideas for projects and fundraisers we want to drive during the first half of the year – from cooking meals for homeless people to our Valentine’s Day online quiz to raise funds for this project.

Linda, our newest member visited Naledi Village, near Ficksburg in the Free State over December to learn more about this self-sustaining community. She shared her experience and we’re excited to get involved with the community and more specifically their six matriculants. We think this is a very good excuse for a road trip!

Nicola, our social convenor has some fun socials planned; Susan, our vice chairlady is hard at work planning projects and recruiting new members while our chairlady Nolene shared the inspiring news that one of the projects she is driving is being piloted by a shopping centre in Pretoria.

LC24 is looking forward to a rewarding 2021 and being of service to our community.