Winter is coming….. a foreboding thought for those without anything to keep them warm.

We see, more and more these days, people in our communities that need assistance; people who can’t presume that they will have warmth in winter, people who don’t have warm clothes to prepare them for the cold, little “luxuries” that most of us take for granted.

Round Table step up each and every year with their Winter Knights project; collecting clothes, blankets and food which they donate to those in need; and for the past couple of years, PE Pearls Ladies Circle No. 19 have done our own collection to try and assist in this Winter Knights initiative.

PE Pearls LC19 divided all items collected amongst the 3 Port Elizabeth Tables, allowing us to donate about 5 bags full of clothing, shoes and blankets to Round Table PE West 142 on Wednesday 2nd June, Round Table Algoa 108 on Thursday 3rd June and Round Table Zwartkops 195 on Wednesday 9th June at their respective clubhouses.

Visit Round Table Southern Africa at to find your nearest Table if you would like to know more about their Winter Knights project and how you can get involved.